Monday, April 11, 2011

Limit Search Results to a Specific Reading Level?

Today I was reading some of the different posts on I stumbled upon a post about limiting search results to a specific reading level. Apparently Google has this option in their advanced search options. I had no idea that they had this. You now also have the ability to click on the more tools option on the left side of the screen to filter reading levels as well. Google has 3 reading level options. The levels are: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. This is pretty cool if you ask me. Looking at it from a teacher's standpoint I would have to say that I'm impressed but am craving more. How cool would it be to have something like that for school use? Something like this that breaks down the difficulty of the reading for K-12 students or even just elementary students could be very useful in education. It does not limit the search results unless specifically asked to. It does however provide labels showing the reading level of each site found.

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